Coleman Dobbins
Engineering Support (Cary Office)
Professional/Personal Mantra or Motto
A day during which you are challenged, work with others, and know that you're making an impact is a day well spent.
In my profession, I am most fulfilled when...
the work that I do, contributes to people's health and quality of life.
What personal or professional activities/involvement are you most passionate about?
I am most passionate about involvement that helps improve the lives of others. I was involved in a food insecurity and food waste reduction organization while in school at Auburn. We dedicated time to collecting leftover food from restaurants and dining halls and redistributing that food to organizations such as Meals On Wheels, Salvation Army, etc.
When I'm not working, I enjoy…
hiking, camping, reading, and spending time with my dog.
Where did you receive your education?
I graduated with a degree in Ecological Engineering with a minor in Sustainability Studies from Auburn University (War Damn Eagle!!!)
What is something about you that might surprise most people?
I grew up on a cattle farm in rural Alabama
I'm known around the office for...
being addicted to Diet Coke.
What is your Spirit Animal?
I would be a dolphin. Dolphins are social, intelligent, and curious. They are also excellent communicators and work very well with others to accomplish common goals. Plus they get to swim around and eat lots of seafood.