Dave Johnson, PE
Senior Project Manager (Columbia Office)
Professional/Personal Mantra or Motto
The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.
- FH
In my profession, I am most fulfilled when…
my creativity flows unimpeded.
Who is someone you admire and why?
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.; his work sparked one of my passions and made an everlasting impression on my life.
When I'm not working, I enjoy…
the finer things in life like wildebeest expeditions, tabletop delicacies, and a good book in a quiet room with a savory beverage.
Where did you grow up?
I spent half of my childhood roaming the wilds of North Dakota and the other half readapting to society in Fort Mill, SC.
What is something about you that might surprise most people?
I enjoy the serenity of absolute isolation (in small amounts of course).
I'm known around the office for…
bringing in my lunches for the week on Monday and taking half of them home on Friday.
What is your Spirit Animal?
Iguana, due to its stoicism and knack for simplicity.