Kara Shivers
Communication/Project Assistant (Wilmington Office)
Professional/Personal Mantra or Motto
The goal is not to be perfect by the end. The goal is to be better tomorrow.
- Simon Sinek
In my profession, I am most fulfilled when…
I've helped someone else.
Who is someone you admire and why?
I have always admired our nation's founding fathers. The risks and sacrifices they made must have felt overwhelming at times. Although none of them were perfect and had their differences, they still came together for one common goal.
When I'm not working, I enjoy…
Saturday football in the fall (Go Vols!), games, camping, kayaking, and walkin' ma dawg.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Niota, Tennessee. It's so big, they had to put in a traffic light.
What is something about you that might surprise most people?
In 3rd grade, I won 1st place in the elementary talent show lip-syncing to the tune of E.T. & Me by Alvin and the Chipmunks. (Curious? Here are the lyrics... https://alvin.fandom.com/wiki/E.T._%26_Me)
I'm known around the office for…
stealing Vance's parking spot.
What is your Spirit Animal?
Liger, it's a lion and a tiger mix, rarely seen. Bred for its skills in magic. What more can I say?