Shayla Riley
Talent Acquisition/Social Media Coordinator (Winston-Salem Office)
Professional/Personal Mantra or Motto
Everything works out the way it is meant to work out, trust the process!
In my profession, I am most fulfilled when...
I am able to combine my creative and analytical skills to create solutions that have a positive impact on the company and the community.
Who is someone you admire and why?
One person I deeply admire is my grandfather, Mike. He has always been a great example, embodying the meaning of integrity, dedication, and generosity.
When I'm not working, I enjoy…
surrounding myself with friends and family, enjoying the outdoors, and finding new recipes to cook.
Where did you receive your education?
I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, majoring in marketing, with minors in mathematics and biological sciences from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln!
What is something about you that might surprise most people?
I am related to the man that wrote The Star-Spangled Banner, Francis Scott Key.
I'm known around the office for...
staying organized and being positive.
What is your Spirit Animal?
This may sound cliché, but I really do think my spirit animal is a cat of some sort. Whether it's a mountain lion or domestic cat, I think they are really intelligent beings that form connections and understandings of people/things intentionally and precisely. They also know how to enjoy life, love to explore, and appreciate the occasional nap (or two).